
Maid of Ace

Maid of Ace
  • Competition: The best music band
  • Description: All-girl all-sister band from Hastings. New Breed Punk Rock’n’Roll. Ged Babey thinks they are ace…. For fans of the Distillers, the Runaways and Hole

    I blame the parents.

    If you have four girls why would you name them Alison Cara, Anna Coral, Abby Charlotte, and Amy Catherine ? Well because if your surname was Elliott, you’d have, initially: Four ACE’s. A good hand and a great band.

    The Ramones, as we know, were not brothers, and there are a few bands with sisters in, but I can’t think of any others who have FOUR sisters in, Apart from the Shaggs…
  • Photo author: net
  • Url / Web link: https://louderthanwar.com/maid-ace-maid-england-album-review/

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